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Paso Paso

Costa Rica - Jorge Vásquez - Catuai Natural

Costa Rica - Jorge Vásquez - Catuai Natural

Regular price €13,50 EUR
Regular price Sale price €13,50 EUR
Unit price €54,00  per  kg
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Roble Negro: A Symphony of Nature and Craftsmanship

Roble Negro pays tribute to the majestic Black Oaks native to its region, trees that live for over 200 years and symbolize harmony with nature. This philosophy drives the farm’s mission: creating a sustainable symbiosis between coffee production and environmental preservation.

Coffee highlights

Taste profile: Sweet like hazelnut cream, fresh cherries and a creamy body
Processing method : Natural
Bean origin: 
Cedral Alto, Tarrazú, Costa Rica
Harvest season: 
February - March 2024
1850 masl.

Why Choose Roble Negro Filter Coffee

1. Origin: Grown at 1850m altitude in cool temperatures (as low as 10°C at night), this Catuai lot thrives in exceptional conditions.

2. Process: The natural process promotes fermentation and creates more sweet and fruity flavor notes. Coffee cherries are dried in their skin for up to four weeks.

3. In harmony with nature: Every step of the process—from fermentation to hand-sorting—is guided by circular principles, ensuring minimal environmental impact and maximum flavor.

Brewing tips for Costa Rica - Roble Negro Washed Catuai

This coffee reminds of the deep sweet taste of coffee like we used to know it.

V60 Pour Over recipe for 250 Grams

Coffee Weight: 15.5 Grams

Brew Ratio: 1:17

Water Temperature: 95°C

Grind size: 13 Clicks Comandante

Total Brew Time: 2:50

00:00 - 00:15 Pour 40 Grams of water for the bloom

00:35 - 00:50 Continue Pour to 155 Grams of water

01:15 - 01:35 Finish pour up to 270 Grams

02:50 Brew finishes

  • Espresso: Brew with a 1:2:5 ratio for a dense and flavour-packed Espresso.

From farm to coffee cup – the story of Roble Negro

This coffee is grown high in the mountains of Tarrazú and enjoy cold night and warm days with plenty of rainfall. Cherry mature slowly and are hand-picked by Jorge's trusted team.

At Roble Negro the symbiosis with nature is a vital part of the operation. From producing their own fertilizer to the farm animals roaming the fields - everything is connected at the farm.

Coffee roasting details

This dense coffee needs a lot of energy to roast and receives maximum power.

  • Roast profile: Light roast to showcase fruit forward flavours.
  • Roasting details: Roasted for 09:30 minutes to 204 degrees with a development time of 50 seconds.

Ethical and sustainable practices

Roble Negro is commited to preserving over 80% of their land as forest and implement circulair principles around the farm. Jorge supports local community initiatives and projects. 

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